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We provide a supportive environment for volunteer counsellors as well as those who benefit from our services

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Our volunteer counsellors
make a difference

Become a Sue Lambert Trust counsellor and support people to heal, build resilience and move forward after the trauma of sexual abuse. 

You will work with us to support people who have experienced sexual assault, sexual abuse or sexual violence.

Sue Lambert Trust provides a supportive, kind, environment for volunteer counsellors as well as our clients.

Our volunteer counsellors benefit from

  • Annual Training Programme and Individual Development Opportunities
  • Paid for Clinical Supervision (for the client work with Sue Lambert Trust)
  • Service Support function to co-ordinate , arrange and liaise with yourself and counsellors
  • A member of the clinical team as your dedicated contact
  • Opportunities to be involved with the ongoing evolution of Sue Lambert Trust in meeting the needs of its clients
  • A fee for any counselling sessions provided above three voluntary sessions per week
  • Part of a supportive team and forward thinking organisation

The professional therapy provided for all our clients remains free of charge.

"Because the trust is so supportive, and the work feels so important [I have] found it very heartwarming to be part of Sue Lambert Trust and [ I feel] it would be impossible not to experience that. If anyone wants the chance to belong to something bigger than their own practice then it’s a great place to join."

Why become a counsellor for
Sue Lambert Trust?

We provide a safe environment, administrative support, a space for reflective practice and ongoing professional development.

All volunteer counsellors take part in a thorough induction to introduce counsellors to their client group. And once part of our team, all Sue Lambert Trust counsellors benefit from essential safeguarding training every year and a continuous professional development programme. Each volunteer also receives individual and group clinical supervision.

Importantly, we offer a supportive community for our counsellors to thrive and grow.

Apply to join today
Volunteer Trainee Counsellors

At the moment we don’t have capacity to take on any new applications however please do check back regularly.

Qualified or Experienced Volunteer Counsellors

We are not currently recruiting for counsellors at the moment. However keep in touch by following us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for all of our latest vacancies.

Bev is a counsellor at Sue Lambert Trust
sue lambert trust
people talking with mugs in hamds

"By sharing my story I hope others can find the words to break their silence and to heal too."

Counsellor story Bev's personal story

"Because the trust is so supportive, and the work feels so important [I have] found it very heartwarming to be part of Sue Lambert Trust and [ I feel] it would be impossible not to experience that. If anyone wants the chance to belong to something bigger than their own practice then it’s a great place to join."

Counsellor story - Bev

"It can be incredibly challenging to witness the suffering of another human being. Therefore, working with Sue Lambert Trust as a volunteer has huge benefits both for the charity and, because of the infrastructure of support, for the counsellor. "

Counsellor story - Bob

"When people hear voices, it is often associated with childhood sexual abuse. All survivors are clearly deeply affected by what happened to them, but different people deal with the trauma in different ways, one of which is voice hearing. It was because of this that I realised I wanted to work with the Sue Lambert Trust and help people who have experienced sexual violence or abuse. I currently work as a volunteer every Wednesday, alongside my private practice."

Counsellor story - Asha

"It’s an incredible charity to be a part of, and one that puts its people first; that really struck me as soon as I joined. The culture is kind and nurturing, as well as being a place where you have the support and opportunities to grow professionally."

Counsellor story - Maureen

Counsellor log-in

Are you a current Sue Lambert Trust counsellor?

Log-in here to access our counsellors’ portal where you will find lots more information about your role and work with us.
