Here's Marks August update about his running training and preparation over the last month.
26th August 2022
Hi everyone,
Over the years i have heard and listened to so many people going from really looking forward to the Marathon to wanting it all to be over. This has been the case a bit for me this month. It’s the combination of long runs and tired legs as the training ramps up in the last few weeks, before what is known as the taper down to race day for the last two weeks.
Trying to juggle life and long runs approaching 3 hours becomes all consuming. It’s been especially tough with the extremely hot weather we have had. Yesterday was actually a pleasant change for my longest run so far 16.5 miles part of which was in a downpour but went well.
3 more long runs over the next 3 weeks of 20 miles x 2 and 17 miles should see me as ready as i can be for the big day. I am just keeping everything crossed to make it to the start line in once piece.
In other news I have been super impressed with the hard work and dedication for the couch to 5k group, who have been on their own journey really well done it takes a lot of determination to complete that first 5k especially in the heat.
Finally i have just had a thought the next blog will be a week before race day…
You can read more about Mark’s story and donate to his fundraising pledge here: Marks Marathon 2022