This week, you may have seen stories on the BBC and other media about the Victims Bill. It’s a story we are following closely, and one we were asked to comment on here in Norfolk.
Campaigners, including Rape Crisis, and many charities like us who work with victims of sexual assault and sexual abuse, are calling for the Victims Bill to include vital funding so that people can get access to specialist support when they need it, to help them heal from their trauma.
Broadcaster and survivor Charlie Webster is campaigning in memory of friends Katie and Georgina, to highlight the need for specialist support services.
Services that we know help people to heal and re-build their lives, whether they report sexual abuse to the police or not.
Specialist services that are needed by so, so many people.
As a local Norfolk charity, supporting more than 250 people every week with professional therapeutic counselling, we were asked by BBC Radio Norfolk to take part in an interview.
Our Groundwork Manager, Maureen, went on air, and talked passionately about the work we do, and why funding for support services, like ours, is so vital to ensure people can heal and re-build their lives.
Thank you to BBC Radio Norfolk and Stephen for the opportunity to highlight this important story and remind people about what we do, and how charities like us are doing their utmost to ensure victims get the support they deserve and need.
If you heard the interview, or saw the stories yesterday, and want to talk – please reach out.
When people feel ready to talk, to heal, and re-build their lives, we are here.
While, at times, there will be a wait for a course of therapy to begin, there are lots of resources we can signpost you to and ways we can be there for you in the meantime.
Please know, you will be heard.